Let us protect your work by highlighting your creativity !


Designer, photographer, sculptor, writer, musician…your art is the expression of your personality. Your works are sometimes intended to be represented in exhibitions, reproduced on different supports which will be marketed and you question the best way of remaining a decision-maker of the use which will be made of your creations…


  • Is my work protected ?
  • Do I have to request a registration before the Office of the Intellectual Property?
  • How may I prevent third parties from copying?

  • Is there a difference between the terms copyright / copyrights?
  • What means the symbol © and how to use it?
  • May I register a mark, a design in connection with my work?


The Intellectual Property allows you to protect your work and to regulate the terms and conditions under which it will be exploited:

  • To protect your work

Copyright arises from the creation of the work, under certain conditions. If copyright does not require any recording, it is not the same for the design which will allow you to protect drawings, forms;

  • To exploit your work:

Holder of copyright, designs, on your creation, it is up to you to negotiate with thirds the contracts which will govern the conditions in which your work will be represented, reproduced, adapted, translated;

  • To defend your work:

The Intellectual Property allows you to defend yourselves before a judge but it is important to anticipate such situations by establishing proves of your rights!

IP Avenue meets you for an initial meeting to discuss your intellectual property rights and the ways to improve them and to obtain the best.


IP Avenue contributes through its expertise and professional skills for:

  • Help you to highlight your creativity and define the characteristics of your rights,
  • Assist you to take over the constitution of proves that will allow you to claim your copyright and to date them,
  • To allow you to peacefully exploit your rights directly or through authorized thirds by defining clearly the conditions in which your works can be used.

The Intellectual Property allows you to benefit from exclusive rights on your work on the condition of being able to highlight your creativity and to ascertain that this one will not be questioned by previous rights.